Sunday, 6 September 2009

Rosemary's Baby

Last night I finally watched this movie in a “Cult” session on TV. One word can me used to describe my feeling about this movie: deception.
Mark well my words here: The movie ISN’T actually bad (I don’t want movie maniacs trying to kill me here… LOL) The movie IS really good, but many people have talked about it with me in a way that I thought that I wouldn’t be capable to sleep after watching it. Someone even said to me that the baby was the ugliest thing in the world, I was tense in the scene which Rosemary approaches the cradle and then: the baby isn’t shown. How could someone say that to me?
Well what can I say about the movie itself? It’s a classic of psychological thriller. Polanski is a master, I can’t deny that. You can really see that he hadn’t much money to put in the film but he made a wonderful job with the scrip, the plot is interesting and makes you tense. And there isn’t a single computer made effect (of course, it’s a 1968 movie!) it’s all about shadows, lights, smoke, little tricks… That shows exactly how tallented the director is.

Latest films I watched:
I Robot
Into the Wild

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