In 1607 2164, John Smith Jake Sully arrives in the lush new world of North America Pandora. The settlers are mining for gold unobitanium under supervision of Gorvernor Ratcliffe Colonel Miles Quaritch. John Smith Jake Sully begins exploring the new territory and encounters Pocahontas Neytiri. Intially she is distrustful of him, but a message of Godmother Willow from the Tree of Souls helps her overcome her trepidation. The two begin spending time together, Pocahontas Neytiri helps John Jake understand that all life is valuable, and how all nature is a conected circle of life. Furthermore she teaches him to hunt, grow crops tame dragons and of her culture. We find that her father is Chief Powhatan Eytucan and that she is set to be married to Kocoum Tsu'Tey a great warrior but a serious man whom Pocahontas Neytiri does not desire. Over time John Jake and Pocahontas Neytiri find they have a love for each other. Back at the settlement, the men that believe the natives are savages plan to attack the natives for their gold unobitanium. Kocoum Tsu'Tey tries to kill John Jake out of jealousy but he is later killed by the settlers. As the settlers prepare to attack John Jake is blamed by the Indians N'avi and is sentenced to death. Just before they kill him the settlers arrive. Chief Powhatan Eytucan is nearly killed and John Jake sustains injuries from Gorvernor Ratcliffe Colonel Quaritch, who is then brought to justice shot with narrows. Pocahontas Neytiri risks her life to save John Jake. John Jake and Pocahontas Neytiri finally have each other and the two cultures resolve their differences.
Disclaimer: This text isn't mine. I just copied it here because the image wasn't good enough to be read in the blog. You can see the original here.
5 comentários:
Oh, you are reading my mind! This was hilarious, and so true!
I did watch Pocatar and I will post my (harsh and angry) review soon. Animation is superb, but I can't believe people liked this crap full of cliches so much. I am so happy to know I wasn't the only person who feels this way about Pocatar!
James Cameron acts like Stephenie Meyer these days. He created something unoriginal and below mediocre, but believes it's the best fucking thing that happened in movie history since... Titanic?
Totally unoriginal! Besides Pocahontas that "inspired" the script you have World of Warcraft that "inspired" the N'avi. The N'avi are really alike the Drainei in the game, and the Tree of Souls are just like the Tree of Life from the Night Elves. And those epic flying mount were taken from WOW too!!
"Avatar" makes me really pissed off. I am preparing my review, but I must find a way not to bitch way too much.
Now when I really think about it, I think the thing that annoys me the most is the fact it takes itself way to seriously. If Cameron told us: "Look, I just want to explore new horizons in visual effects. I am making Pocahontas (Dancing with wolves/WOW) in space", it would be fair an ok. But this guy really thinks he sent a powerful environmental/humanitarian story. Did he ever hear of "noble savage" stories? The first ones appeared in 17th century! Heck, the legend of Pocahontas is one of them, if nothing else!
"Avatar" suspiciously feels like Paulo Coelho, Dan Brown or even Stephenie Meyer. They make "X for dummies" (Coelho- philosophy, Brown- history/mystery/art history, Meyer- vampire novels), but just take themselves way too seriously. And uneducated people actually adore their stories, because this is the first time they are encountered with similar messages. I can understand 13 year old kids liking Avatar. Most of them probably never heard of term "noble savage", and they were babies when Disney's "Pocahontas" was popular. But grown up people???
My father and bf loved "Avatar". Father isn't dumb but he's crazy about sci-fi and bf is a geek so what both say is: "Who cares about the story? The special effects are awesome!"
I simply can't think that way. If there isn't a story that can make me stay glued in a chair for 3 hours It's hard for not to be bored, even if the special effects are magnificent. In fact, those special effects attached to that plot are a waste of great special effects!
Maybe if I was 13, when I read Paulo Coelho and didn't understoo why everyone was no mean to him I would have liked "Avatar". lol
Nana, don't be so embarrassed! Everyone liked Coelho in their tender age. Same goes for "Titanic".
I was talking about adults. Your bf and father are being honest- they loved the effects, and they liked the film. A friend of mine shares the same opinion in it.
But I really don't understand adult people who think this STORY was fantastic. I really don't get the appeal (beyond visual effects). Plus, "avatar" it's borderline insulting and shows Cameron's lack of education and intelligence. But since so many people honestly loved this film (not just effects)- what does that say about human race?
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