Monday, 26 April 2010

Julie & Julia

I'm not going to really talk about the movie. I just can't think of a better title for the post now. But if you want my opinion, that's a great movie and both, Meryl and Amy were great in there. The story is beautiful and something I need. I'll explain.

It's been a while since I've been thinking of blogging. I have always blogged, I mean, since I heard of the thing. It was about 8/9 years ago. Unfortunately (fortunately to be honest) they are nowhere to be found. The only thing I still have from this age of my life is my fotolog, I have two actually. Gosh! I go round and round to tell a story, let me go to the point now. 

It's been a while since I've been thinking of blogging. But I don't want to write about my days as I used to do when I was 13 but, writing "useful" things (as if anything I could possibly write be useful) and a very good friend of mine was thinking about it too. Writing about fun things we like, like the blogs we read. But I can't think of something I can write about for a "successful" blog. Everything I like alredy has an amazing blog about. lol Whatever. I'm going round again and I think this isn't the point.

The main character was in a crossroad and could change her life, in the case by blogging. Changing life by blogging is a little bit cliché right now, I think, but I'm trying to find something nice to do. Any suggestions?

4 comentários:

Mira said...

What to do with your blog? Ah! I have no idea. I don't know what to do with mine.

I did, however, learn one thing. Blog should NOT be your online diary, in a sense of "what I did today". Not even in an emo "what I hate and find annoying" way. A few posts like that here and there is ok, but nobody really likes reading about blog owner's daily "adventures", especially if nothing was really happening.

The best blogs out there are the ones with a theme, any theme: popular culture, fashion, social injustice, web design, literature, etc. However, this can bring to a problem, because having a specialized blog is not the same as having a personal blog- in case of a themed blog, you are "forced" to write within your theme. And personal blogs should be about the owner and therefore, more general, exploring all the various things owner is interested in.

So, in order to combine these things, I think, you must blog about the things that are important to you, things you find interesting, things that annoy or amaze you, things that are happening to you- but in a way that readers find themselves involved.

Needles to say, I don't really follow my advice, although I'm trying. There are still random and pointless posts, but I am trying to give them a structure, not to ramble a lot, and to actually hear about people's opinion and get people involved instead of talking about myself and to myself. My blog is still an unpopular one, but with these changes I notice I'm getting more hits (around 20 a day), and before it was never more than 5-10 hits a day (and sometimes 1 or even 0).

Other important advice: blog as often as possible! Once a day is ideal, and if you can't manage, once in two or three days. Try not to leave blog for weeks, because once you attract readers, you want to keep them with regular updates.

In order to do this, it's always good to have a plan about what you want to blog about in your next post (ideally, you'll have ideas for several posts). That's why you'd be able to keep the blogging rhythm.

Sounds complicated? I know. At the end of the day, don't forget it's your blog and as long as you write about the stuff you're passionate about, it would show and people would appreciate it. Even if "people" are just a few persons.

PS-Did you notice that the theme of our recent posts are a bit similar? You write about a movie, I write about a movie. You write about a celebrity (Madonna), I write about a celebrity (Jeff Bridges). You write about blogging, I write about blogging. :)

Nana Noleto said...

That's so true!!!

Cliché sentence but true one: great minds think alike!

Mira said...

So true!

Well, in case you want to know, my next post will probably be about movies or (gasp!) sex :D

Nana Noleto said...

My next post will probably about movies too since I'm going to watch Alice in Wanderland today! lol

But I'm also pissed off with the dificulty to find good products for curly hair. haha