Thursday, 22 April 2010


I've been a fan since, I don't know... 2000 maybe. Everybody around me hates her and I couldn't really explain why and why I like her music so much. Well... while I was watching Glee's special episode about Madonna and I've got my answer: her music frees people. Of course not everybody needs freedom, only the ones that are more "opressed" - for lack of better word - that's why girls and gays like her most.

Her messages are: be yourself, express what you feel, don't care for what people say, your mind and your body are yours and only yours, love, get hurt eventually and then put yourself together again... You don't see anywhere something like: "you should act like a whore", but you see, if someone is free of some bounds people see them like that.

I can't speak for the gay comunity (it's strange but I don't live with many of them and I seem to be the only woman in the world that doesn't have a gay friend) but I can speak for myself and I say: it's not easy to be a girl and I'm not talking about the biological part. 

We're judged all the time, we have to be a good daugters,wife, mother, mistress and professional and all of that wearing wheels and in perfect shape. By being a good anything, I mean do not have your own wishes, desires and goals. In one sentence: be a puppet. Somehow most woman manage to do all this (or part of it) and they do it well, still we are not as recognized or payed enough.

This is one of those subjects I don't like to think, write or discuss about because it always makes me angry or down. This one specially because sometimes I deeply wish I was as dumb as a door and I didn't think about these things. I wouldn't feel so suffocated and so under pressure and my life would be, for sure, easier.  

p.s. Still I think that Madonna must have some kind of deal with the devil. haha

1 comentários:

Mira said...

This gotta be the most interesting reason for liking Madonna! ;)

I am not a fan of hers, but I must admit I can see your point. Anything that inspires you can't be bad.